Support Mask & Bauble!
Are you an alum reminiscing fondly over your days on the stage? A member of that amorphous “friends and family” category? How about a fellow dork who loves theatre? Or do you just like being awesome and making our day?! CONSIDER DONATING!
Your generous contributions to the Mask and Bauble Dramatic Society help ensure our members get the positive experience of putting on professional-style shows, aid in the upkeep of our home in Stage III, and help us continue to grow as artists and individuals.
Mask and Bauble is facing logistical challenges from the University regarding the mechanisms for collecting and protecting donations made to the club within the broader Georgetown financial system.
Currently, you can donate through the University advancement page and specify M&B as the recipient, but we are working to resume direct donations in the coming months. Thank you for supporting student theater.
Purchase a Program Ad
Interested in advertising a business, or simply want to send a shout out to one of our performers or production staff members? Purchase an ad in our program! Season Cover Ads (recurring ads that will appear on or inside all of the program covers for our Main Stage productions) are available for purchase until one week before the first show in our season opens, while individual production ads appear inside the program and are available one week before that particular production opens.
* Page sizes for the cover are 5.5 x 8 inches, with 1/8 inch bleed on all sides (so 1/4 inch total)
** Page sizes inside the program are the same as the cover
** Page sizes inside the program are the same as the cover