All in the Timing
By David Ives
Artistic Direction by Jamieson Baker
Sure Thing Directed by Kate Thorman
Universal Language Directed by Conor Smith
Variations on the Death of Trotsky Directed by Deirdre Cosgrove
The Philadelphia Directed by Lucy Obus
Long Ago and Far Away Directed by Farhana Esmail
Words, Words, Words Directed by Sarah Taurchini
Foreplay (or the Art of the Fugue) Directed by Courtney Ulrich
Mere Mortals Directed by Meghan McCormick
Speed-the-Play Directed by Earl (Arielle) Smith
Philip Glass Buys a Loaf of Bread Directed by Maher Ali and Erin Ernst
Produced by Tyler Spalding
Stage Managed by Amy Lynd and Helah Robinson
Technical Direction by Jen Lancaster
November 30, 2007 - December 2, 2007
Poulton Hall, Stage III
Artistic Direction by Jamieson Baker
Sure Thing Directed by Kate Thorman
Universal Language Directed by Conor Smith
Variations on the Death of Trotsky Directed by Deirdre Cosgrove
The Philadelphia Directed by Lucy Obus
Long Ago and Far Away Directed by Farhana Esmail
Words, Words, Words Directed by Sarah Taurchini
Foreplay (or the Art of the Fugue) Directed by Courtney Ulrich
Mere Mortals Directed by Meghan McCormick
Speed-the-Play Directed by Earl (Arielle) Smith
Philip Glass Buys a Loaf of Bread Directed by Maher Ali and Erin Ernst
Produced by Tyler Spalding
Stage Managed by Amy Lynd and Helah Robinson
Technical Direction by Jen Lancaster
November 30, 2007 - December 2, 2007
Poulton Hall, Stage III